Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You've Got Questions - We've Got Answers!

Lots of feedback and questions about this BlogJam. Here are just a few:
1. Yes. Comments will be moderated. Inappropriate language and off-topic comments will not be approved for submission. An off-topic comment would include rants, personal attacks and any other submission not suitable for inclusion in a promotional pitch to tourists. (Tip: very few promotional pitches we've seen lead with "you know what really stinks....?) You're probably old enough to get the inappropriate language reference...

2. Why are we doing this?
- We thought it would be fun and interesting to see what the community would like to share with visitors to Fort Collins.
- Many hands will help to make short work in our quest to inspire increased visitor activity in Old Town.
- Increased activity in Old Town = increased spending = economic stimulation = fewer vacant storefronts = more employment opportunities, and so on. It's an economic development thing.
- We're nosey.

3. No. You don't need to have us preview your comments to be sure a visitor would be interested. If you love something special about Fort Collins - you should share it. Don't be shy. Chances are others will be excited about it too. We think that a wide range of little things will add up to delightful experiences for visitors! Trust your instincts.

4. Yes. 10,000 things is a lot of things. We decided to aim high. (That, and it would be a little weird for us to say we were inspired by a quote that references "10,000 little things" but tell you we only needed 100!) We'd like to see what happens. It also gives you an opportunity to put on your thinking cap and give it your best effort. If you think you can come up with at least 1,000 on your own - knock yourself out (but call in to let your boss you won't be in on Friday!)

5. If you don't want to participate, that's fine. We'll still wave to you across College and say "hi" in line at the BeanCycle. Of course, it would be more fun if you choose to join us!

6. Just remember - there are no wrong answers. If it makes your heart sing share it with the world!

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